Yes, we offer delivery services within the GTA. You can order directly from our online store or from any of our delivery partners: Uber, DoorDash, or SkipTheDishes.
We offer free delivery on local orders over $50. For orders under $50, delivery fees will vary depending on the chosen delivery platform.
- Instantly: Choose Uber, DoorDash, or SkipTheDishes for same-day delivery within the GTA.
- Next Day: Place your order before noon, Monday to Friday, for guaranteed next-day delivery within the 4km radius.
Currently, we do not offer delivery services outside of the GTA.
Yes, if you prefer a specific delivery window, you can schedule your delivery through our partners (Uber, DoorDash, or SkipTheDishes).
For orders under $50, you can still get delivery, but the delivery fee will be applied based on the platform used.
Absolutely! You’re welcome to visit our brewery for pickup. Please check our website for hours and pickup details.
Yes, we do! Merchandise orders can be shipped throughout GTA. Check our online store for availability and shipping rates.
If you encounter any issues, please contact us directly at beer@goldenfieldbrewery.com, and we'll be happy to assist you.
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